Informatie verzamelen

Vorige week vrijdag heb ik een mail gestuurd voor emigratie naar Jokkmokk in de hoop meer informatie te verkrijgen. Alleen geldt veel info niet voor ons aangezien wij eerst een baan willen en de taal willen kennen VOORDAT wij daarheen vertrekken.
Hi Family  Schulte,
Nice to hear from you and you would be very welcome here. We have several families from the Ntherlands living in Jokkmokk Kommun.  It is a big step to come to Sweden and there are many different things to consider when moving to another country. We are here to support and help everyone as much as we can. We recommend that you have savings for at least one years living costs while you settle into life in Jokkmokk. This time can be used to take advantage of the free Swedish lessons available via SFi amongst other things.
(Jaar spaargeld is voor ons niet nodig aangezien wij eerst werk willen voordat wij vertrekken. Ook de SFI is niet nodig omdat wij hier in NL de taal gaan leren).
Most people can live in Jokkmokk on 100,000SEK per year, or €10,000 to pay for an apartment and food. Travel costs and any additional costs need to be added to this amount. We feel it is very important to consider this, as you will receive no financial assistance from the Swedish government until you have worked and paid taxes in Sweden for a considerable amount of time. Priority is always given to those that have learnt basic Swedish, as this is a very important factor to finding work in Sweden if you are looking for a job. If you plan to start your own business in Jokkmokk, or can continue working with your current occupation while living in Jokkmokk, then speaking basic Swedish is desirable, but not crucial.
Please let us know what your plans are to help your move here, if you can speak some Swedish now, or if you plan to visit Jokkmokk soon to look around and research your move here. You can start learning basic Swedish.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mvh/Best wishes
Update: Op de emigratie pagina zagen wij per toeval een mooie oproep voor een baan voor mensen die Nederlands en Engels spreken, ook moet je Zweeds kennen maar ja dat kan Jeroen niet, Iedereen zei gewoon solliciteren en je ziet het wel. Dusssss Jeroen heeft gesolliciteerd dit weekend, nu afwachten, echt zo enorm spannend. Wij verwachten er niets van but you never know!
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